1200 +patent applications worldwide
1400 +industrial-grade raw materials
2500global business partners
As a biotech company, we are on a mission to improve healthcare for all, to let everyone live a healthier and better life, and to protect our planet as well. By doing this, we are helping to create a better future and advance civilization.
Think bigger
Start tomorrow today
Go bold
Continue evolving
Keep it simple
Fapon is built on pioneering technologies and products. We rely on innovation and talent to improve human health.
Leading in technologies and products
Developing an R&D-driven organization that offers premium patented products and services
Driven by talent and innovation
Attracting and retaining talent worldwide, seizing opportunities in the industry and the capital market
Powered by ecosystem and platform
Building a solid platform-based organization and an ecosystem that benefits everyone in the industry
Fapon Biotech was founded.
Fapon Biotech became the market leader in IVD raw materials in China;
We started building a pipeline of molecular diagnostics products.
We entered the field of biopharma, focusing on cancers and autoimmune diseases.
We pioneered total solutions on instruments and reagents for the ecosystem model.
We embraced AI-enabled healthcare, and incubated innovative projects using biotechnologies and AI-enabled data insights.
We started developing innovative diagnostic model and circular RNA technology platform.
To fulfill our mission to build a better, healthier world, we have taken a people-oriented and technology-empowering approach to global business cooperation for the past two decades. With our pioneering and customized products, services and technologies, we participate in local welfare programs, and help our business partners around the world develop their local healthcare industry.